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We are on the Journey to Easter and want to take the opportunity to pause, reflect and respond to God's Word.


Please join us with this  Daily Prayer between 6-9am for 40 days leading up to Easter.

We begin this day alone

Honouring this life, with all its potentials and possibilities
We begin our day with trust,
Knowing that we are created for loving encounter
We begin our day with hope,
Knowing the day can hold love, kindness, forgiveness and justice
Silence - reflect quietly - holding each word for a while

We recall our day yesterday
Many we learn, may we love, may we live on
We make room for the unexpected
May we find wisdom and life in the unexpected
Help us to embrace possibility, respond graciously
to disappointment and hold tenderly those we encounter
Help us be fully present to the day

Silence - reflect on where you saw God in the day yesterday. What can you thank God for? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to ask God for to be fully present to the day?

We pray for all whose day will be difficult,
May we support, may we listen, may we change
We resolve to live life in its fullness
We will welcome the people who’ll be part of this day.
We will greet God in ordinary and hidden moments.
We will live the life we are living

Silence - you may call to mind people to hold before God today. Pray for our church and community

May we find the wisdom we need
God be with us
May we hear the needs of those we meet
God be with us
May we love the life we are given
God be with us



Good Friday - Jonny
Palm Sunday - Dave Mann
Easter Sunday - Sally Mann
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